In Brentwood, the 48 new teachers had a three-day orientation during the summer, to be followed by a one-week in-service program during the year.
I have talked so far about teacher training and education without distinguishing between pre-service and in-service programmes.
He created curriculum and developed in-service programs for students.
From its $39,660,724 budget, the district allotted $17,000 for in-service programs in the 1994-95 year, Mrs. Becker said.
'The number of library service points and hours open in relation to the staff establishment do not allow any in-service programmes to be implemented'.
I agree that there should be some sort of required in-service program to enhance teacher effectiveness.
Today, more than half its teachers have internationally recognised teaching certificates while the rest are enrolled in the permanent in-service programme.
As a principal, Keeny conducted in-service programs in an effort to improve the skills of teachers.
At that time it was started with the aim of preparing teachers for elementary first cycle level in the in-service and pre-service program.
It is to be an in-service programme.