Such storerooms were built in spots inaccessible to enemy fire; any accidental explosion would have been confined to that small area.
If a building, then why was it erected in so uniquely inaccessible a spot?
Yet something was presently biting him in an inaccessible spot.
So I hunted for a spot not only bushy but inaccessible.
The nests are affixed to nearly inaccessible spots on cave walls and ceilings.
All the heat of life seemed withdrawn within some inaccessible spot in her breast.
The man wasn't really uninterested; he merely wasn't going to worry about reaching an inaccessible spot.
Compounding rescue difficulties is the urge of fishermen to fish from the most isolated and inaccessible spots.
It came down in deep snow on the side of a mountain, in a remote inaccessible spot.
Some vital part of Gaea lived up there in the most inaccessible spot of a world filled with daunting vistas.