Hewlett again attributed its problems to inaccurate predictions of its product mix.
The killing of Kimnyole was as a result of his inaccurate predictions.
Model Mreduces the rate of inaccurate predictions from 2% to 1.5%.
The book has been criticized in recent decades for its alarmist tone and inaccurate predictions.
This led to low blip/scan ratios and inaccurate prediction of aircraft trajectories.
So he got overloaded and confused and made a lot of inaccurate predictions.
Even in a science fiction writer's most inaccurate predictions, there are sometimes valuable truths to be gleaned.
In the final 10, DialIdol had its only inaccurate prediction of the season.
Ben Bayol once said that most plans are just inaccurate predictions.
She explained that the effects of this trauma had caused her to make an inaccurate prediction.