In the last few years, employees have won large judgments against employers who gave inaccurate references or interfered with the workers' prospects.
Reviewers call it pretentious and filled with inaccurate references to theoretical physics, Walt Whitman, and the Kabbalah.
(This factor accounts for the perpetuation of a large proportion of inaccurate and incorrect references, as any librarian working on inter-library loans will testify).
In Uganda, two days later, he was asked whether "somebody should be held accountable" for the inaccurate reference in the State of the Union address.
AN/APQ-115 suffered from inaccurate references (poor stabilization and Doppler inputs), which directly lead to the development of more advanced system such as AN/APQ-122.
This is a common but somewhat inaccurate reference; local stations do carry other network or syndicated programs, although their local programming may indeed be limited to news.
An inaccurate reference to cardiac arrest or sudden cardiac death.
I have not achieved it, nor do I deserve to be the pawn of your inaccurate references to it.
He received only tepid applause; the awed, inaccurate reference to New York had come off as a reminder of the distance between himself and a city he does not yet fully understand.
Seizinger's Bavarian teammates still call her the Prussian, a geographically inaccurate reference to her northern roots, or, if they are feeling particularly playful, South Swede.