This is an inaccurate translation of the Russian "Ivan Groznyj"; "groznyj" means stern and formidable.
Uses Skene's incomplete and inaccurate translation from 1848.
Source of this provides link to a video in Hebrew and a written, inaccurate translation to English.
Criticism also included the menu systems on the DVDs, featuring inaccurate translations.
The term may come be due to inaccurate translation, as shú (熟) means both "fully cooked" and "fully ripened".
Others take it as fiction: heroic Icelandic sagas, skaldic poetry and inaccurate translations.
Some have suggested that the blood eagle was never actually practiced, arguing that such accounts are based upon unsupported folklore or upon inaccurate translations.
The term "mainland" is an inaccurate translation because mainland is usually the continental part of a region, as opposed to the islands.
Clearly, that was an inaccurate translation.
However, the inaccurate translation "mist of the mountains" is sometimes given.