In theory, passive income comes from any active business in which an individual plays an inactive role.
The rulers, known to the Europeans as "emperor", usually had an inactive role, while the executive governance was done by their main lieutenants of the Kono family.
Inactivated at Fort Lewis in 1972, the battalion spent 15 years on the inactive roles until its activation on 16 August 1987 as a member of the 42d FA Brigade.
While most antioxidants go directly from an active to an inactive role, emblicanins utilize a multilevel cascade of antioxidant compounds resulting in a prolongation of its antioxidant capabilities.
Fraser, impatient at so inactive a role, persuaded the Regent to relieve him and appoint a replacement Deputy Warden, and now rode on with the main cavalry host.
Gloucester has a rather inactive role in this production; Mr. Versnel, a burly actor, purposely makes him into something of a potato sack, weary of life, a dead weight awaiting disposition.
Women are generally responsible for the upbringing and care of children, and of husbands in Ecuador, and traditionally, men have taken a completely inactive role in this area.
Although he takes a mostly inactive role, he is still considered a member of Warrior and pilots the helicopter and other vehicles for special Warrior missions.
He spent the summer of 1874 pretending to be happy with his inactive role.
It remained on the inactive roles until 21 May 1991, when the 1st "Tiger" Brigade, 2nd Armored Division was redesignated as the 3rd "Greywolf" Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division.