Dr. McGowan's group and Hoffmann-La Roche have developed three drugs that show promise in preventing the inactive virus from starting to replicate.
Flu shots contain an inactive virus, but even the live virus in the nasal spray version has been modified so that it can't reproduce in your body (and thus make you sick).
A flu jab works by giving you an inactive virus that helps the antibodies beat off flu (forfeit: by giving you 'flu).
Influenza Vaccine Influenza vaccines contain inactive viruses to help the immune system recognize and protect against the virus.
He recovered from it, but the inactive virus remained in his body.
Although not a phenol, 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol has similar effects as phenols, but it cannot inactive viruses.
There are concerns that laser treatment may increase the risk of having warts return by destroying the local immune system, allowing inactive viruses to become active.