For too long there has been inadequate coordination among the dozen federal agencies involved in gathering intelligence about terrorist threats.
Moreover, the deficiency also includes inadequate coordination among the regions in managing the flow of electricity.
In response, dozens of organizations have sprouted to increase the group's political participation, although these efforts' full effectiveness is hampered by inadequate coordination.
Or were the messages from brain to limb to fingers too garbled, his coordination too inadequate?
One major hurdle, Dr. Jameel said, is inadequate coordination among the computers in different parts of a car.
Previously, inadequate coordination of targeting plans between the Strategic Air Command and the Navy led to redundancy and disputed priorities.
According to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, the US intelligence agencies experienced inadequate coordination and cooperation.
The direct consequence of this inadequate coordination is that frontier workers are often at a disadvantage in terms of welfare benefits, unemployment, pension provision and health care.
We found some accounting errors and inadequate coordination between financial services and scientific services here.
Some of these include poorly defined institutional responsibilities, and inadequate coordination between the relevant water management institutions.