It is the same throughout Russia, reflecting years of inadequate funds and, often, substandard training.
This expedition, undertaken with very inadequate funds, quickly came to an end, and they had to get home again by walking.
However, weather and inadequate funds delayed the completion of the station until it finally became active in March 1932.
He had inadequate funds to go abroad but a relative advanced him some money and off he went in 1935.
"Without those fees," he said, "we would have inadequate funds to run these very important programs."
But he believes the failure was caused by inadequate funds.
The result is that state systems have inadequate funds to guarantee financial security.
For unknown reasons (possibly low enrollment and inadequate funds), the school closed in 1858.
But efforts to turn the barn into an arts center foundered because of inadequate funds.
How else can we judge its protests about inadequate funds?