If inadvertent injury occurs, bleeding can generally be controlled with intraluminal oxidized cellulose packing, electrocautery, or hemoclips.
Very effective as a line cutter, with low risk of inadvertent injury or damage.
Even the dwarf rabbit is much stronger than the guinea pig and may cause intentional or inadvertent injury.
To dream that you hate a person, denotes that if you are not careful you will do the party an inadvertent injury or a spiteful action will bring business loss and worry.
One common complication of cholecystectomy is inadvertent injury to analogous bile ducts known as Ducts of Luschka, occurring in 33% of the population.
Gang-related violence occurs sporadically in Dili, and you risk intentional or inadvertent injury when traveling in affected areas.
His padded jumpsuit was of a softer than regulation fabric, padded on shin, thigh, calf, elbow and forearm, with skin-gloves, to prevent inadvertent injury.
He compounded his inadvertent injury to her feelings by one of his more ingratiating smiles.
The rate of inadvertent injury is typically higher in operations done by surgeons new to the procedure.