Many people, of course, still worry about inadvertent releases of radiation and about the long-term storage of radioactive waste.
Security concerns were heightened by the Wen Ho Lee case, and "alleged" inadvertent release of nuclear secrets by the State Department.
My inadvertent release of the other prisoners might confuse the issue for a time, but eventually a tally would be made, and a search begun.
A memo circulated by a military defense lawyer the previous week described an inadvertent release of photographs, including three that show American soldiers holding up the heads of dead Afghans.
The risks can be financial misstatement, inadvertent release of sensitive data, or poor data quality for key decisions.
The site is contaminated with plutonium due to the several fires experienced on the site and other inadvertent releases caused by wind at a waste storage area.
The aim is to prevent the inadvertent release of government secrets.
Previously used linear (axial) solenoids were prone to inadvertent releases.
This has the advantages of being both ambidextrous and resistant to inadvertent release.
Due to concerns about the inadvertent release of sensitive information, membership lists, and victim identification, some of the organizations had implemented special security procedures.