But, Brit, I'm not going to go out there and try to do something that might inadvertently suggest crisis and frighten markets.
For all its faults, "The Hunting of the President" inadvertently suggests how the historical evaluation of the Clintons might best begin.
Then at the morning news conference at Conservative Party headquarters, the Deputy Prime Minister, Michael Heseltine, inadvertently suggested that Labor was headed for victory.
This tale, of course, inadvertently suggests that in film music one size can fit all; the series rarely lets down its guard so completely.
And in a simple, almost unnoticed phrase at a news conference on Wednesday when the award was announced, Professor Taylor inadvertently suggested why.
Lesser ends up inadvertently suggesting that Daldry himself invented such commonplace practices as inserting important changes shortly before opening night, or confiding contradictory information to two different actors.
More often, "Videorama" inadvertently suggests that being an outsider is no safeguard against mediocrity.
The Flash Crash (of 2:45pm) wasn't quite a kernel panic, but the SEC's recently released postmortem inadvertently suggests that it may as well have been.
Some of the tributes inadvertently suggest declining standards in pop singing.
There's no doubt that O'Nan means well, but the lack of surprise and psychological inventiveness inadvertently suggests that people with less money have fewer, and less complicated, emotions.