At the end, the painter inadvertently turns the house and everything around it pink and the panther moves in.
Korvac was captured by the Kree and inadvertently turned into a demented being with powerful energy.
She, however, inadvertently turns the tables on him.
Egor faced the other captains, inadvertently turning his back on the viewscreen.
Not that she had to worry about the Petaybeans inadvertently turning it on.
She inadvertently turned back toward them, however, and was quickly disabled when the battle resumed.
Homer does, but puts on the robe, inadvertently turning himself into the new Grim Reaper.
Later I turned inland and inadvertently got siphoned up various mountain passes on roads barely wide enough for a shepherd with a sheep.
He claimed that the joke inadvertently turned into a scandal.
Still encased in his spacesuit with a closed helmet, he turned somewhat inadvertently to look at them.