At least Wadley's oafishly inappropriate advances had finally spurred her to action.
He became a major general on Nov. 1, 1996, around the time General Kennedy has said he made an inappropriate advance in her office.
Mrs. Smith filed a curriculum-complaint form, citing "inappropriate sexual advances" and "lewd behavior."
The headmaster makes inappropriate advances, touching her leg and putting his arm around her as he informs her that she is on "the wrong track".
She has said that Tyson bit her on the face and made other inappropriate advances at a Chicago nightclub on April 7.
Canfield wrote an e-mail message to the federation board describing what she deemed inappropriate sexual advances and comments by Nardiello.
However, Tripp's grand jury testimony differs from Willey's claims regarding inappropriate sexual advances.
She has said that it was while they were working together there that he first made inappropriate advances toward her.
Local schools have held assemblies on sexual misconduct and inappropriate advances.
A third woman said that Mr Cain made inappropriate sexual advances but that she had not filed a complaint.