Bowa was suspended three games for "inappropriate and aggressive conduct."
His resignation came after allegations were made of inappropriate conduct with a female student at a pub over the weekend.
He later apologized publicly for engaging in "inappropriate sexual conduct with a fellow student."
And let me tell you that the grand jurors want you to be more specific about the inappropriate conduct.
Or this: "We must end collective acceptance of inappropriate conduct and increase education in professionalism."
He resigned from his position after admitting to inappropriate conduct involving two women.
Students are expected to report observations of inappropriate conduct to the faculty or administration.
The Speaker also can eject members of the house for inappropriate conduct in context to the situations.
More pages came forward, alleging a history of inappropriate conduct by Foley dating back at least 10 years.
"Generally, he gave the break to their client," the official said, adding that there were many instances of inappropriate conduct.