I beg your pardon, Perry, if I have made an inappropriate reference to that matter.
The late revelation that the two friends were being set up for a gangland execution is treated as offhandedly as the bizarrely inappropriate reference to "Scarface."
And Halberstam was fined for making inappropriate references to slaves during a broadcast of a Miami Heat game.
And they said Ms. Hester, who is black, made repeated "inappropriate" references to the predominantly white and wealthy suburb.
The commission eventually ruled that the cartoon made inappropriate references to Nyungar beliefs but did not breach the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.
Mr. Shultz reportedly argued that such language would be an inappropriate reference to the political debate over the treaty between the Administration and the Senate.
A 2002 issue of The Economist was withheld because it made an "inappropriate" reference to the monarchy.
The public discourse on these issues is too critical for an ill-timed, inappropriate reference.
The Commission would also note that it cannot accept two amendments, which make inappropriate reference to other Community policies which are better discussed in a different context.