It added that no action had been taken against United States attorneys "to retaliate against them or interfere with or inappropriately influence a particular investigation, criminal prosecution or civil case."
Dimango then addressed the courtroom with these words: "If it comes to my attention that anyone here is attempting in any way to inappropriately influence these proceedings ... I take that extremely seriously, and will deal directly with that individual or individuals."
Disclosure of potential conflict of interest Conflict of interest exists when an author or reviewer has ties to activities that could inappropriately influence objective evaluation of the scientific methods and conclusions described in the manuscript.
Often, those same doctors may study the same drugs and devices or use them to treat patients, which raises concerns about the possibility that business considerations may inappropriately influence medical care.
This assumption may have no consequence if one makes it in the blink of an eye as one is passing someone in the street, but if it is held by a health professional offering treatment or managers thinking about occupational health, it could inappropriately influence their actions and lead to age-related discrimination.
Both Mr. Kerik and one of the owners of Interstate, Frank DiTommaso, acknowledge that they were friends, but said there was no effort to inappropriately influence the licensing process.
Shilling recommender systems: GroupLens has explored ways that users of recommender systems can attempt to inappropriately influence the recommendations given to other users.
Mr. Cardin said he wanted to make the material public because, "If Mr. Gingrich was involved in trying to inappropriately influence the ethics process, that is important.
Critics of the KOZ designation also accused that close relationships between Liberty Property Trust and Comcast and the Rendell administration were inappropriately influencing the governor's position on the issue.
As a Senior Law Officer, Baird held the responsibility, together with the Attorney General, for protecting the independence of Prosecutors; for providing legal advice to over 20 Whitehall departments and for taking action on contempt of court, (typically when press reporting of criminal cases may inappropriately influence their outcome).