As Strouse makes clear, he was an inarticulate man with little interest in introspection or explanation.
Her own visit to the cinema with an inarticulate young man from the West of Ireland seemed very dull by comparison.
He is an inarticulate man, and when he has to address more than one man at a time, he gets a little nervous.
Unlike Mac, I am not an inarticulate man.
He was an extremely inarticulate man who had little to say about the major events of his life.
Being a simple, inarticulate man, Walter can't adequately combat his wife's tirade.
While he needs most of all to look beautiful, he also has to serve as the screen for their fantasies and a troubled, inarticulate young man.
Morgan was an inarticulate man with no interest in explanations or introspection.
Reginald Wade is a slightly inarticulate young man whose marriage is in a mess.
He is one of those inarticulate men who find it hard to put things into words.