Amanda leaves Ben when the idea of sharing an empty nest with her inattentive husband becomes unbearable.
I was an inattentive and ill-tempered husband.
He was shown as an aloof and inattentive husband, and last month, Taylor Armstrong filed for divorce, describing him as verbally and physically abusive.
Although Chillingworth loves her deeply, his absent-minded preoccupation and old age make him an inattentive and distant husband.
As for poor Ernie, it's up to him to run the business, which turns him into the same dull, inattentive husband to Val that her first one had been.
He sprinkled laughs on every page as Maggie coped with an inattentive husband, a couple of self-centered teen-agers and an unrequited crush on her boss, the local veterinarian.
Except this time, I didn't have an inattentive husband to blame for my restlessness, or a less than stimulating intellectual life.
She is first seen blithely chattering to colleagues about her young son and her inattentive husband.
The story is a classic: the lonely wife, the inattentive husband, the dashing other man.
It seems that inattentive husbands of long-suffering wives are part of the bread-and-butter of the audiologist business.