None of this prepared me for my inaugural visit to the new millennium planetarium now holding court within its conspicuous cage of glass.
When the Queen and Prince Philip pay their inaugural visit to Slovenia next week they should feel instantly at home.
For most of the friends invited to dinner, this would be their inaugural visit.
Lee made his inaugural visit to the United States, as Prime Minister of Singapore, between 6 July and 16 July 2005.
He subsequently toured both Austria and Germany, and in 1987 made his inaugural visit to the UK.
- Morocco felt angry and betrayed after Sarkozy decided to make Algeria the first stop on his inaugural visit outside Europe as president, US diplomats learn.
Heaven knows what VW's board director Dr Ulrich Hackenburg made of the company when he made his inaugural visit last year.
During her sea trials Dauntless made her inaugural visit to her affiliated city of Newcastle upon Tyne in May 2010.
Also Presidents of Germany mostly connect their inaugural visit in Rhineland-Palatinate with a visit to this historic site.
The inaugural overseas visit of leading English cricketers was organised by John Sackville, 3rd Duke of Dorset, a strong player himself.