This inborn skill allows a newborn to recognize its mother at only a few weeks' old.
"Some of us just have inborn skill, Brindle . . . and some people will never learn, no matter how much they practice."
This improvement together with her inborn skill in producing good photos earned her the title of Italia's Next Top Model.
Now he drew up from his perch into smaller branches, on which he balanced with inborn skill.
This marshland was not Harrow's environment, and the only way he'd learn it was to practice, to hone his inborn skills.
Eilonwy alone has the inborn skill to read them--- though not before she herself has reached the threshold of wodianhood.
Not a pledge straight from the god to me, but an inborn skill, like this man's sweet voice who sang.
For example, children enter the world with inborn skills to soothe themselves and continue to learn that they can thrive when alone.
Daughter Isabelle exhibits the same ability to complete the CIA test that marked Sydney's inborn skills to be an ideal agent at that age.
Not pick up on social cues and may lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.