The battle broke the myth of Japanese military invincibility and resulted in an incalculable benefit to Chinese morale.
Treatment of this kind provides incalculable benefits to heroin users and the general community.
It is also remote, an incalculable benefit when negotiations actually end up here.
He lifted his head and looked at Dalassenus, 'and yet, despite all they lack, they possess one incalculable benefit.'
To think that I can go and spend time with these great works of art is an incalculable benefit of being here.
My exile brought one incalculable benefit, one utterly unlooked for bonus which would, years later, maturing, consolidated.
This was one of the many incalculable benefits which made Sha'angh'sei the most important as well as the wealthiest port on the continent of man.
To tackle it as steadfastly and expeditiously as possible will bring incalculable benefits for all concerned.
Whereas, success," he added, pointing in the direction of the subject in a papal gesture, "brings us all incalculable benefits.
Their knowledge of the inner workings of the United States military establishment can be of incalculable benefit to us.