Along with institutions like the kanrei council system, the compulsory residential policy had incalculable effects both from a national standpoint, and from a provincial standpoint.
However he says he "will never fully recover from the events" and the "incalculable" effect will "be difficult ever to escape".
But even more dear is the incalculable effect on the breeding industry of Kentucky, the world's leader.
Visibly emotional, Chaplin accepted his award for "the incalculable effect he has had in making motion pictures the art form of this century".
Of the resignation, Gutman said: "It will have an incalculable effect.
The Koran has had an incalculable effect on Islamic art.
Even minute differences - the period of variability, sun-spot cycles, size - in a G-type primary can have incalculable effects on the satellites in its system.
The Gutenberg Bible had an incalculable effect on the history of the printed book.
Dance historian Lynn Garafola believes Petipa "had an incalculable effect on Russian ballet."
The book had an "immediate" and "incalculable" effect on the public's perception of Jane Austen.