On that bridge, a figure of incalculable power walked.
But Falluja is not only a military target; it also holds incalculable symbolic power.
They may be many things energy beings, creatures of incalculable power but they aren't gods.
And in a moment of incalculable power, it was I who struck him and knocked him backwards and off the roof.
With incalculable power she rose from the depths of the house, sending its walls, its ceilings, and its surrounding ice down upon me.
What we need is a teacher to convince us that there is incalculable power at our fingertips.
It's a course toward which we all feel an instinctive revulsion, but any other course bares us to the incalculable power of the Teleks.
It's also a being of incalculable power.
Circe is a goddess-level sorceress of incalculable power and as such is immortal.
Below the silence was a slow, steady throbbing of incalculable power, as if the world's heart beat nearby.