His designated hot reading moments are "especially compelling," Whitman's incantatory power is "tremendous," Juan Gelman writes with "terrific potency," Emerson offers "a wondrously fresh idea."
Repeatedly, she relies on the incantatory power of a simple syntax that lacks sufficient depth: "I have bought a car.
In its best songs, and in its sheer sonic impact, "The Lion and the Cobra" has an incantatory power.
The Corleones are as idealized as the Greeks of Homer's "Iliad," with their premium on male bravery, honor and the incantatory power of one's family name.
Despite Chabon's enthusiasm for narrative-linked-with-image, he always returns to the incantatory power of the word: "Every universe, our own included, begins in conversation.
But over all the show invokes the mysterious incantatory powers of artists, whether of tribal or Western European ancestry.
There he created an enormous body of ornate, densely patterned drawings whose incantatory power, formal scope and cultural richness defy category.
Throughout, language holds incantatory power for Mr. Burroughs, and it seems he isn't nearly through.
It obviously has declamatory or incantatory powers; it may submit proposals, but has no power beyond that.
Tricky, the English rapper and producer, had completely overhauled his material, using a band to summon the incantatory power of the blues.