This method avoids contact with mucous membranes, and permits rapid temperature measurement of newborn or incapacitated patients.
Dr. Morton was preoccupied with his newly incapacitated patient.
Would have allowed family members and friends to make health care decisions, including terminating life support, for incapacitated patients who have not left specific instructions.
The brief historiography focuses on the dilemmas of Brown Nurses forced to look the other way while their incapacitated patients were murdered.
Would have permitted family members or friends to make decisions on treatment - and refuse life-sustaining measures - for incapacitated patients.
This "agent" speaks for the incapacitated patient and has priority over every doctor and family member or close friend.
It allows the relatives of incapacitated patients to make medical decisions for their family members in the absence of a living will or health care proxy.
Directives exist to prevent such an incapacitated patient from becoming a victim of the grieving spouse or the frightened caregiver.
It also objects to allowing surrogates to make decisions concerning sterilization and abortion for incapacitated patients, "to the detriment of the unborn child."
As a result, some incapacitated patients are denied appropriate treatment, while others are subjected to burdensome treatments that violate their wishes, values or religious beliefs.