Guidelines and information regarding incarcerated populations.
Minority youth are disproportionately represented in incarcerated populations relative to their representation in the general population.
Approximately 1,200 inmates of federal and state prisons were assessed in order to provide separate estimates of literacy for the incarcerated population.
Hispanic inmates now make up more than 30 percent of the state's incarcerated population, and these numbers are projected to increase significantly in the years ahead.
Unable to get the legislature to abolish the practice, Donaghey just prior to leaving office pardoned 360 prisoners, 37 percent of the incarcerated population.
However, federal prison inmates account for six percent of the total incarcerated population; noncitizen populations in state and local prisons are more difficult to establish.
Violent crime was not responsible for the quadrupling of the incarcerated population in the United States from 1980 to 2003.
Since prisons divide the individuals by gender, the incarcerated populations experience different environments, where the rate of women contracting HIV is greater than men.
The United States has 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's incarcerated population.
This total incarcerated population of nearly 1,000 inmates significantly skews the above demographic information.