You have not proved this claim, merely thrown up some incendiary language.
That kind of incendiary language will only invite further bloodshed.
The two women brought to the Edwards campaign long cyber trails in the incendiary language of the blogosphere.
Mr. Chávez apologized for his often incendiary language and promised to open talks with opponents.
Then, in a nationally televised speech, the paratrooper-turned-president, who is 47, abandoned the incendiary language that marks much of his political discourse.
Despite the sometimes incendiary language, the day passed without violence.
The stories were based on truth but written with incendiary language causing emotional and often heated responses among readers.
One policeman tried to arrest Treas, for using incendiary language.
There was nothing that could justify this incendiary language.
Though he has won praise for his efforts to concentrate on issues, he too has a history of using incendiary language against rivals.