The multipurpose high explosive round has a warhead with 120 steel balls and incendiary material.
Mr. Martin has taken this dormant incendiary material and kneaded it into a very different sort of explosive.
"What looks like an incendiary material was found in the area where the ship's crew reported the fire started."
Police found newspaper articles, firefighting equipment and incendiary materials at Gilliam's home during an investigation.
This will take some of the incendiary material through the armor.
He was seeking the banning of incendiary material on popular internet sites "to protect other vulnerable young people from going down the same road."
Stephen has since sought the banning of incendiary material on popular internet sites "to protect other vulnerable young people from going down the same road."
Incendiary shell weight: 0.57 kg containing 0.32 of incendiary material.
An explosive charge would then ignite the incendiary material, often starting a raging fire.
Though napalm was a 20th century invention, it is part of a long history of incendiary materials in warfare.