It hopes to raise profits by focusing on businesses in which incentive compensation and other fees can be enormous.
That means allowing investors to buy into the enormous stream of fees earned by the investment adviser as well as the incentive compensation.
It has 48 interest in the Penn Virginia Resources and receives all incentive compensation from the company.
A 2009 study found incentive compensation did not lead to better "stock performance".
The move meant he ranked last among Foote, Cone's six most highly paid executives in 1991 salary and incentive compensation.
Does incentive compensation of this sort also have the same problem as other incentive compensation?
Agreements on objectives allow the company to continue flexible working and provide an additional incentive compensation for the extra performance of the employee.
It is currently being theorized that such arrangements are used by management to manipulate earnings figures for incentive compensation and reporting reasons.
At least half a dozen research analysts have left, as lower returns clearly mean less incentive compensation to go around.
His 2006 salary and incentive compensation totaled $6 million, including $176,751 to provide him with a car, driver and security around his home.