Now Billy's lord was lifting his swollen head, and the incessant wind in those blue streets was rousing his horse-mane into furious life.
He clung to the icy stone and tried to keep low so the incessant winds would not pluck him loose.
Sleet pecked noisily at the thermal panes, and an incessant wind hammered the high tower of the hospital, whining through hairline cracks.
Winters are severe with heavy snow and incessant winds.
Towers and turrets sprouted everywhere, flags flew from the staffs and whipped in the incessant wind.
And how people could be driven close to madness by the incessant wind and lonely expanse.
But even with the heat of a fire and the shelter from the incessant wind, Dion was worried about Tyrel.
Because the ice had been swept free of snow and polished by the incessant wind, it provided little traction.
Rose was surrounded by a muffled uproar which resembled an incessant wind mixed with sounds of knitting.