Worse, their child Jesus is a profoundly retarded hunchback who incessantly repeats the only word he knows: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Soon one prairie dog issues a warning call, a high-pitched "chirk" that it repeats incessantly, head and little black-tipped tail jerking in what looks like indignation.
Fowler states that the Jews believed the pagans needed to incessantly repeat their prayers, because their false gods would not answer them.
I repeated incessantly, lying, as though I were murdered, on my back with my hands folded on my breast 'is it possible?'
Mr. Ryland is handed a few trashy lines that he must repeat incessantly, if only to prove that he can do it grandly.
He had been making inquiry about his luggage, to assure himself that it was all on board, and kept repeating incessantly the unlucky words, "The DUNCAN!
Monseigneur, who is hasty, as you know, monsieur, repeated incessantly, 'Tonno Dieu!
Then, when I made the many calls necessary to confirm my hotel and spa reservations, I was put on hold incessantly while a recording repeated: "Thank you for holding.
I shall repeat incessantly that tomorrow's Europe will be built on research and innovation.
Flood the blogosphere and CiF in between writing, incessantly repeating puerile assumptions and accusations in between to maintain control of the narrative.