The truth is that I have been baffled, moved, exasperated and occasionally dismayed by The Castle in the Forest, an obsessive portrait of young Hitler and his brutal, incestuous family.
In season 1, the episode "The Benders" featured an incestuous family.
'As a medical man you must have come across incestuous families?'
By the end they are all one big incestuous family, down to a baby in a highchair.
She said not only Miss Pierson but Miss Pierson's mother and father fit the profile of an incestuous family, with the parents having infantile needs, looking to their children to take care of them.
"It's an incestuous little dysfunctional family," said Marc Beaudry, the circus's logistics director.
A runaway from an incestuous family in the Tennessee Hills?
It parallels the confusing double roles of an incestuous family.
Every day in Ireland, or at least every week," she says, "there's another story of a baby found on a river bank or of some dark, covert, incestuous family.
With "The Profound Desire of the Gods" (1968) Mr. Imamura turned a tiny island populated by an incestuous family into a corrosive metaphor for Japanese isolationism.