His mind turned to Zillah and Nothing, to their obsessive incestuous passion for each other.
You cannot tell me that Liadan knew of this incestuous passion, and helped her sister flee to the arms of her lover?
Much of the play depicts his increasingly desperate struggle against his incestuous passion.
Bedside continued: 'You have so conveniently forgotten your incestuous passions.
Did you forsake honest love for incestuous passion?
In attempting to escape her father's incestuous passion, Dawn transformed herself into a doe and ran off.
Intent on interrupting consummation of this incestuous passion, Shiva shot an arrow at the father.
The brother existed, for they saw him once: he was an unlikely object of incestuous passion, a small, dark, worried-looking lawyer, with a curiously compelling speech defect.
The son seeks freedom and ecstasy, challengingly signified, in the film, through his incestuous passion for his sister Ana (Simone Spoladore).
Charlie Angelfield: Isabelle's older brother, who harbours an obsessive incestuous and sadistic passion for his sister.