The film is uncompromising, all of a piece, its desolateness unleavened by incidental pleasures.
Occasionally, Boyd's self-discipline robs us of incidental pleasures that a more rambling raconteur might have offered.
What it offers instead are a series of, well, incidental pleasures.
Yet for all its incidental pleasures, after a few chapters I began to wonder whether the book was going anywhere in particular.
Hollis's book contains several incidental pleasures.
But if it's an adventure, or something more than an incidental pleasure, you'll dive into these dense and provocative creations.
The movie has passages of uneasy brilliance and many incidental pleasures.
This was sheer delight, being with her, sharing her incidental pleasures.
Meanwhile, there are plenty of incidental pleasures.
An incidental pleasure is the show's understated mapping of the evolution of photographic styles.