He also said that dioxin is created in the incineration process itself.
Ash from the incineration process goes into a bunker before being taken to a process plant for treatment and recycled into aggregate for the construction industry.
This means that if you burn any packaging waste, it must produce more energy than is used by the incineration process.
These are excluded only if they are used to improve the incineration process and burn less than 50 tonnes of waste per year.
The package described garbage-fuelled incineration processes where energy is recovered, as "thermal recycling" without mentioning the toxic ash or emissions that result.
When it became overcrowded recently, the bones were removed for cremation and returned to the ossuary after the incineration process.
This raises problems for us at several phases of the incineration process: the reception, processing and handling of the waste.
Packaging such as cardboard or wood is useful in the incineration process for household waste.
Services range from a basic drop-off at the facility to actually having a witness to the incineration process and issuance of a certificate of destruction.