With both hands she reached up to wipe the incipient tears from her eyes.
Cassie's throat tightened and her eyes prickled with incipient tears.
His eyes squeezed shut for a moment, and when they opened they were glossy with incipient tears.
There were incipient tears in the corners of Michiko's eyes.
It was still tender from the soldier's abuse, but the pain helped her fight back incipient tears.
He turned away so that she would not see the incipient tears standing in the corners of his eyes.
He stared into her frightened eyes, enlarged now by incipient tears.
Her head came up and he saw the tiny sparks that might have been incipient tears at the outside edges of her eyes.
Kate smiled through incipient tears at the thought of how young he was, how filled with energy.
And she scrubbed the incipient tears away with the back of her hand, fiercely.