Meanwhile, rain also erodes the volcano, creating deeply incised valleys.
Tree filled deeply incised valleys have fresh water streams flowing through them and are covered in moss covered boulders.
Continuously flowing glaciers - especially in the ice age - and large-sized glaciers carve wide, deep incised valleys.
Between these two hills lie the deeply incised valleys of the Magdenerbach.
In the upper basin the river flows through a narrow, incised valley, marked by gorges and forests on the edges and a distinct low population.
The Weser flows past just to the east of the Reinhardswald in a deeply incised valley.
The narrow, deeply incised valleys of the north also provide a habitat for rare plants and animals, especially the European Otter, a protected species.
For example, multi-story fluvial sandstone packages often infill incised valleys formed by the sea level drop associated with sequence boundaries.
Sandstone bodies associated with incised valleys are good hydrocarbon reservoirs.
At the head of the incised valley is Sgwd Ddu (translated from Welsh as 'black fall').