Previous owners include Admiral Baron Jonas Fredrik Örnfelt.
His honorary appointments included Admiral of the White from 1795.
Some notable companies they work with include Aviva Swinton, More Than and Admiral.
His honorary appointments included Admiral of the Blue in 1782 and Admiral of the White in 1787.
The sons included historian Herbert Fisher, and Admiral Sir William Wordsworth Fisher.
Casualties included Admiral Makarov and his guest, Russian battle artist Vasily Vereshchagin, 26 officers and 652 enlisted men.
Clients include Sears, Sony, Vistaprint, JP Morgan Chase, Admiral and Eskom.
Honored guests included Admiral George Dewey (1900) and Winston Churchill (1901).
The ships sold on Mauritius include the Santa Maria, the Mayflower, the Bounty and Admiral Nelson's Victory.
They're with a group that includes Admiral Hunter and Admiral Hayes, who've parted ways with the original SDF-3 expedition.