Unless reversed, the appellate ruling will govern cases brought in the circuit, which includes Alabama, Florida and Georgia.
Their traditional languages include Alabama, Koasati, and Mvskoke.
Other states important in growing catfish include Alabama and Louisiana.
The region includes Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama.
Texas is one of several states -others include Alabama, Virginia and Wisconsin - that now permit parimutuel thoroughbred racing but offer none.
The other schools on Brantley's shortlist included Alabama, Louisville, Oklahoma and Florida.
But in the region that includes Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia and Alabama, the wait was 96 days.
The Southeastern Conference, which includes Alabama, has never had a black head football coach.
Other artists who recorded his songs include Alabama, Tracy Lawrence, and George Strait.
Other peopl-e say the Southeast can also include Alabama and a few more inland states from the Eastern seaside.