They include 11,700 Americans, or 1,400 more than 10 days ago.
The missing include 22 Americans, officials from both nations said.
The national health and nutrition survey included 17,390 Americans 20 through 74 years old.
These include 37 million Americans without health insurance who are far less able to fend for themselves than some older people.
This included even Americans who, like me, had seen things in the heavens they couldn't explain.
The force would include 4,000 Americans under current plans.
Perhaps a few hundred soldiers could return, but only after the deployment of a 50,000-strong international resettlement force, which would include 7,000 Americans.
Those reported dead included a senior German diplomat and five Americans.
The 1960 event included only four Americans following the qualifieer, and only two made the cut.
This total over four weeks included 5,750 Americans.