That includes Israeli Arabs, who are more antipathetic than apathetic.
It would have to include Kurds as well as Arabs, and ideally should take place in Iraq, where witnesses can be easily summoned.
They include Jews, Arabs, and other ethnic groups.
Victims included Jews, Arabs and foreigners, among them five Americans.
Other smaller groups include Chinese, Buginese, and Arabs.
The mujahideen included not only locals but also Arabs and others from over 40 different Islamic nations.
The dead included Israeli Arabs, the police said, but the authorities were still trying to identify some of the remains tonight.
Ethnically, they include Arabs, Persians and Indians, with further subdivisions.
People traded were not limited to a certain race, ethnicity, or religion, and included Arabs and Berbers, especially during the trade's early days.
Other Asian groups include Arabs of Lebanese and Syrian descent.