On Thursday morning, according to the tourists, who included Americans, Germans, Swedes and Australians, eight lamas began protesting Sunday's arrests in front of the Jokhang Temple.
They include Danish Americans, Danish Australians and Danish Canadians.
Other Anglosphere immigrants included Irish, New Zealanders and Australians.
Other groups include Americans, Britons, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, Japanese, Koreans, Russians, Vietnamese and Thais.
People of predominantly non-European descent, who are sometimes identified as "White Australian", included Lebanese Australians (0.92%) and Turkish Australians (0.3%).
This included Mexicans, Chinese, Australians, and Peruvians.
The award is club and country blind - the success of the player's club is irrelevant and winners include Australians and a New Zealander.
Appointees included 40 national parliamentarians and elected delegates included representatives of the Australian Republican Movement and Australians for Constitutional Monarchy.
Notable Australian exponents of the folk revival movement included both European immigrants such as Eric Bogle, and indigenous Australians like Archie Roach, and many others.
However this figure does not include Australians with an Irish background who chose to nominate themselves as 'Australian' or other ancestries.