Some of its key clients include the U.S. Navy, Northrop Grumman, Wal-mart, and Canon.
In Japan, these are said to include Toshiba and Canon, both of which have already licensed the Power PC microprocessor used in newer Macintoshes.
Japanese firms with plants in Thailand include Toyota, Honda, Hitachi, and Canon.
His sculpture The Great Relief (completed 1928) was included in the 2006 Danish Culture Canon as one of Denmark's cultural masterpieces.
National corporate sponsors have included Lipton, Kellogg, K-Mart, Cigna, and Canon.
Some partners that integrate MindFire services into their software offerings include Hewlett Packard, Kodak, and Canon.
Winners include Hyundai, First Direct, Bosch, Canon and Philips.
In embedded systems, prominent users included Cisco Systems in their network routers and Canon in their printers.
Examples include Canon and Procter & Gamble.