Both leading candidates in this district, which includes Chelsea and Greenwich Village, are capable.
His staff also persuaded me to give more interviews and to agree to a People magazine story, complete with a cover photo that included Chelsea.
It included three dolls: Barbie, Madison, and Chelsea, with different ethnicities and personalities, and 2 extra fashions for each character.
His clubs included Chelsea, Bournemouth and Gillingham, where he made over 200 Football League appearances.
Now, Community Board 4, which includes Chelsea, is considering proposing a change in the zoning west of 10th Avenue from manufacturing to mixed use.
New clubs elected to the league include Chelsea, Hull City and Leeds City.
It is one of the four municipalities in Suffolk County (the others include Boston, Revere, and Chelsea).
"They've been good so far," said Anthony M. Borelli, the district manager of Community Board 4, which includes Chelsea.
Tyler said he didn't always include Chelsea and Samantha, his 4-year-old sister, in activities.
His clubs included Chelsea and Gillingham.