Along with priests, other political prisoners included Social Democrats and Communists.
He ultimately split with him over the President's "guided democracy" plan and its provision to include Communists in the Government.
Although Joseph certainly possessed the credentials needed, he was confronted with many problems, primarily diverse groups of Jews, which also included anti-religious factions and Communists.
The next year, he ran for President at the head of a coalition that included Socialists and former Communists.
His targets included Communists whom Pol Pot feared were his enemies.
He has encouraged diplomatic personnel to widen the circle of leaders they meet to include Communists and to seek contact with the general public.
His victims included Communists, Jews, Roma and the physically and mentally ill.
And he is cheered by the fact that the general election this spring has given Italy its first left-of-center Government, which includes former Communists as ministers.
Its candidates include Communists and members of other parties as well as people with no party affiliation.
These included Communists, Gypsies, the mentally ill, and, especially, Jews.