His repertoire includes Villon, Goethe and Schiller, Hebel and Brecht, Agota Kristof and Robert Gernhardt.
Other parodied authors include Goethe and Joseph Conrad.
Later artists inspired by science included Goethe, Mary Shelley, Thomas Eakins, H. G. Wells, Karel Capek, Bertolt Brecht.
Other Romantic writers included Sir Walter Scott, Lord Byron, Alexander Pushkin, Victor Hugo, and Goethe.
Famous people who visited it include Lord Byron, Keats, Goethe, Henrik Ibsen and Walter Scott.
It was first translated to English and then from English to German, where it was received with wonder and fascination by a group of eminent poets, which included Herder and Goethe.
The winstubs of its old neighborhoods are gathering places for university students whose predecessors include Goethe.
His subjects in Weimar included Goethe, Charles Augustus, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach and two of Charles Augustus's mistress Karoline Jagemann.
The guest list of this historic site includes Bach, Liszt, Schiller and Goethe.
Other examples include Goethe at the Window of His Room in Rome (1787) by Johann Heinrich Tischbein and The Morning Hour (1857-60) by Moritz von Schwind.