The first wave included Greeks and Italians who began moving south from Sydney's inner-city suburbs.
These include ethnic Greeks and Greek language speakers from Greece and the Mediterranean world up to about 200 AD.
These nations included the Illyrarians, Thractionians, and Greeks.
Other peoples include Greeks, Jews, Armenians, Belarusians, etc.
It is a very diverse neighbourhood that includes English and Greeks in the west to the Tamil speakers in the east.
Christians in Turkey include Assyrians/Syriacs, Armenians, and Greeks.
Other minorities include Assyrians, Ukrainians, Greeks, Kurds, Georgians, and Belarusians.
Other lesser minorities included Greeks, Italians, Romanians and Magyars.
Other notable ethnic groups include the Armenians (mostly Christian Hamsheni) and Greeks who have been settling here since at least the 18th century.
Nationalities included: Polish, Lithuanians, Slavs, and Greeks.