Increasingly popular restaurant areas included Brooklyn, Harlem and the meatpacking district.
The city's decision has angered some members of Community Board 9, which includes western Harlem.
Saturday walking tours of the district include Harlem Old and New, and Jewish Harlem; $25 each.
Popular locations for music tours include Harlem and the East Village.
"There has been no consultation whatsoever," said Mr. Wright, also a state assemblyman whose district includes Harlem.
Puerto Rican neighborhoods in Manhattan include Spanish Harlem and Loisaida.
The Ninth Council District includes central Harlem and part of the Upper West Side.
The reaction of Representative Charles Rangel, whose district includes Harlem, was typical.
Representative Charles B. Rangel, whose district includes Harlem, says Dinkins has been regarded with suspicion and subjected to tougher standards because of his race.
He is not well-known outside his district, which includes Harlem and parts of Washington Heights and the Upper West Side.