The figures do not include marriages between non-Hispanic whites and Hispanics, which have grown rapidly.
And in 2004 Florida had to discard a list, intended to keep felons from voting, because it had neglected to include Hispanics.
As the chain developed, its clientele became larger and included Hispanics in the second and third generations.
Small minorities include whites (1.4%) and Hispanics (1.4%).
Other speakers included civil rights leaders, Hispanics, poor people, politicians, clergymen, professors, hip-hop musicians and American Indians.
Major editors have included whites, blacks, Asians, and Hispanics.
Another was for environmentalists to include Native Americans, blacks, Hispanics and other minority groups in their movement.
The current 35-member Council includes only nine blacks and Hispanics in a city with a population that is roughly half black and Hispanic.
They include women, the disabled, Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans.